Here’s where I write about what I write about.
Fall is in the air, which means pumpkin is edging it's big orange butt into practically everything. Lattes, lipsticks (yes, really), cereal, syrups, you name it. And now, a whole new kind o...
Multi-racial families. Families with same-sex parents. Adoptive families. Single-parent families. Families with step kids and step parents. Families with transgender members. Grandparent-led...
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No…it’s the high-flying trio of Trimble UAS products here to save the day for hardworking surveyors around the world. All are mightier and more elevated th...
The unmistakable Drawing Hands of M.C. Escher have “instant recognition” wrapped around their flawlessly shaded fingers. For an artist whose name may escape mass memory, this legendary l...
Welcome to everlasting paradise found, where legacies are laid rest in the midst of natural majesty, idyllic tranquility and a level of elegance unrivaled anywhere else on earth. Yeah, I ...
There are just a handful of feel-good clients that give me the warm fuzzies the whole time I work on them. My heart fills, my spirits rise and I feel all the feelings. Like, ALL of them. One...
From start-up concept to living, breathing website—that's the stuff of marketing dreams. Lucky for me, one more has officially come to life with today's launch of Silvernest, a unique r...
When California's Eric Eagle Hartmans (yes, that's his real name and yes, I pitched "Eagle Legal" as a name) hired Faven Creative to create a brand and website for his new law firm, he had ...
I'm loving the campaign I created with Urban Canvas for the 2015 Sueños de Dalí, a much anticipated annual event at The Dalí Museum. Out of three exceptional concepts, our client select...