Here’s where I write about what I write about.
You won't be seeing these banners running live here in the U.S. of A., but the lucky folks in Europe are going to get an eyeful. And perhaps an afternoon addiction, as well. Created with ...
Boo Boo just wanted to say BOO! Happy Halloween from all both of us at Erin Beth Bosik Copywriting. May your plastic jack-o-lanterns be filled with many treats and seldom a trick....
They don’t call today “the present” for nothing. And my friends Carol and Tim Bertola (the founders of Inner Guru) are all about embracing each day as a gift—one that’s ready to be...
If you (like me) have ever judged the depth of your success on your husband's wardrobe, then you'd know everything is coming up Erin right now. Let's break this photo down, shall we? 1) A...
I have no idea what this has to do with advertising, or copywriting, or my life in general, but for lack of a better blog, here it is. I was prepping some food to grill on my Weber the other...
Do you have an idea for the next big thing? Specifically, the next big restaurant chain, bar or hospitality business? If you answered yes, you should totally hit up my friends at Chairlift C...
Yeah, so I'm like, eight months late on this, but I was just doin' some googlin' and saw this great post about on Osocio. Take a look. If you read to the waaaaaaay bottom, you...
Welp, I almost can't believe it. Today marks my company's one-year anniversary. Effin' ay. Erin Beth Bosik Copywriting LLC is growing up so fast. (cheek pinch) Please forgive me, but I'm ...
Apparently, people in LA and NYC. Check out this awesome graphic (made by the Ukrainian-based web dev masters at Vertaline) that shows which US cities drop the most f-bombs via Twitter. An...