Pact Turns a New Leaf.

10/29 2018

Okay, okay. Before you get all up in my grill for only JUST recently announcing the new Pact Organic website, hear me out. This brand is changing the world, so changing our creative strategy is just part of keeping up. After a hearty repositioning exercise last year, Pact relaunched with a new look, logo and tone of voice. Now, just a few months later, we’ve updated our visual identity to match the inspiring ideas behind the brand, and these here are the fruits of our organic labor.

Introducing: the new (and still evolving) Pact website. Shopping is simple. Copy is comfort- and confidence-boosting. Images are real and inviting. And the organic, Fair Trade Factory Certified apparel is like a fine tapestry—lovely to look at and even more tempting to touch.

So if you haven’t already, click on over and start shopping today. It’s FREE SHIPPING through the end of October in celebration of Fair Trade Month, so there’s really no better time to start chipping away at your holiday gift list…or just buy a bunch of stuff for yourself. #OrganicallyMe #JustWearYou