Here’s where I write about what I write about.
It was an honor working with the very talented Erika Gritters (of former Denver Broncos design team fame) to update her website with some fresh copy and a spiffy, new tone of voice. She's th...
Check out these growlers from Boulder's XYZ Studios. If present-day me would have told past me that I would be spending my days writing copy about Steve Ballmer for the back of a beer bottle...
Did you know the Affordable Care Act (aka the new health care law aka Obamacare) provides immunizations and preventive care at no out-of-pocket costs for most Americans? 'Tis true. And after...
Tired of that 2:30 feeling? 3:30? 4:30? Or how about that feeling you get when you toss back any one of those run-of-the-mill energy shots? (gurgle) Well, now there’s a better energy alter...
I couldn't help but grin as I walked up to the MyChelle Dermaceuticals headquarters in Louisville the other day. The lovable Hello, Beautiful positioning work and portions of the copy I wro...
I love being a writer. I mean, it pretty much rules. I get to give brands a voice and become an expert (well, we'll just say "well versed") in a wide ranging and somewhat random collection o...
Hiring managers, sometimes it must suck to be you. And before you break out your pirate muskets, cannons and daggers (see video reference) in defense of your career, hear me out. As a fr...
Check out this faux press release I wrote on behalf of the incomparable XYZ Studios. You can also read it (and see a bonafide yeti photo) here. XYZ Graphics Hires Yeti No-longer-mythica...
55 hours of traveling equals one hell of a long journey from the streets of Kathmandu to my couch in Colorado. But I made it. Finally. It's good to be back and I can't wait to regale you all...