Here’s where I write about what I write about.
Sniff, sniff. Smell that? It's probably my face, and I'll be damned if it doesn't smell awesome thanks to my daily regimen of products a la MyChelle Dermaceuticals. This outstanding company ...
If you've been a diehard fan, or hell, if you've even been a every-now-and-again reader of my blog, you know that I've been the copywriter behind much of the messaging on and around Beforepl...
Paper registration cards aren't the only way to keep in touch with the brands you love. Not in today's digital world, at least. Registria, the industry leader in product registration, works ...
Brownies! Getcher brownies here! (Plus 9 other irresistible August spotlight items from my friends over at Whole Foods Market.) Hope you like the headlines for each one, 'cause I wrote 'em. ...
It's a new era for my good friends at Akavit. They've expanded their space, they've continued growing their team of masterly digital prodigies (not to mention kick-ass clients), and now they...
Even before MyWY Health was called MyWY Health, the branding stallions over at Linden brought me onboard to help out with this exciting Wyoming-based initiative. From concepting the new name...
Ever heard of Choreogroove? Of course you haven't, because it's a new, emerging company founded by my client and friend Tanya Curry-McMichael, and it is exactly what the name suggests. Chor...
Whole Foods, you complete me. As one of my very favorite clients, the well-known natural market gives me all kinds of fun- and foodie-centric copywriting challenges, including this recently ...
It happened. It really happened. The new website for Cornerstone Apartments (designed and deved by the otherworldly geniuses at Akavit) is officially live and taking names. I would go ...