WUJU Like a Taste?

04/01 2020

Is it deliciously dark in here, or is it just me?

I’m so pumped to share that WUJU Foods has officially joined the roster at EBB Copywriting + Creative, and I can’t speak highly enough about this brand and its visionary founder. Lawrence Wu originally launched WUJU as a creative and highly culinary hot sauce brand several years ago. Since its spicy start, the product line has expanded into three premium cooking sauces — including a soy sauce with ZERO junky ingredients — plus their line of Emperor’s Black Rice, which was set to launch at Expo West. Womp woooomp. It was my pleasure to help with the positioning and tone of voice for these new rice pouches, as well as write all the copy and flavor names.

WUJU has deep Asian roots (Lawrence’s parents immigrated from Taiwan and owned and operated six Chinese restaurants in NY), but the products are versatile enough to work with almost any type of cuisine. For that reason, we wanted to give these black rice items a cool, approachable tone that was also a bit dark and daring. We landed with the lines DELICIOUSLY DARK and IRRESISTIBLY UNFORBIDDEN to communicate the depth of flavor and history hiding inside each quick-heat pouch.

The body copy tells tales of this historically prized and deeply desirable grain, and how it’s longer reserved for the ranks of royalty. Thanks to WUJU, now you can enjoy it in a hot 30 seconds.

WUJU Emperor Black Rice products will be available online and in retailers later this summer, so start working on that appetite. Use them as the base of a stir-fry, add your favorite meat or veg, serve them as a side dish or snack them straight out of the pouch. My personal fave is the Sticky Ginger Scallion flavor, but go with your gut tells you.