SRG Work In Action.

12/30 2016

I was a full-time copywriter at my alma mater Sterling-Rice Group for more than four years, and they have been a valued client since the first day I went freelance in 2011. Their creative and strategy teams are nothing short of brilliant, and I am humbled to have been a part of so many important brand refreshes through the years, including two I happened upon during my end-of-year vacation to Georgia and the Carolinas.

I like going new places, especially when said places have evidence of my many hard days’ work. I spotted several Tervis stores in the South, including the Charleston, SC one featured in my photo. And Cinnabon? That sweet glory is everywhere down there. I stopped in for an Original Roll and a coffee during my stay in Atlanta and saw the updated logo and brand shining like the dickens.

So guess this blog is nothing more than a shout-out to Sterling-Rice Group—for your partnership, engagement and continued trust in my work. And a slightly belated wish to all for a fantastic 2017 filled with imagination, possibility and cinnamon rolls as big as your head.