Serenity Now!

10/16 2013

Navigate Financial Advisors is—yep, you guessed it—a company that gives sound financial planning and investment advice. Founded and led by my client Andy Anderson, I knew this newfound partnership was meant to be as soon as he and I met. First off, the guy’s a longtime Evergreen resident (the town where I grew up), and second, we both have a deep-seated fear of mountain lions. I know that last one’s not so unusual, but it’s still kismet in my mind.

Anyway, my first project for Navigate was writing a spotlight article that appeared in Evergreen’s Colorado Serenity magazine. Turned out to be a pretty informative experience learning about everything financial advisors can help with. Now that I think about it, I might want to hire my own client pretty soon here. You know…get my retirement accounts in check.

Click to enlarge, or contact me if you’d like a document with the full article.
