Here’s where I write about what I write about.
Oh, Boulder. You glorious lush, you. We wee citizens just can't seem to get enough microbrews around here, and now there are gonna be a few more waiting in the wings. Introducing: Sanitas B...
It's officially the new year and it's already a happy one. I just found out that a video I worked on with the crazies at Akavit has been nominated for a Pixel Award. The project was for a p...
You should read this if you like good food. You should also read this if you like food that's good for you. And for those of you with food allergies or gluten sensitivity—yep, you guessed ...
What will these guys come up with next? Honestly. My powerhouse creative friends at Akavit had the borderline brilliant idea to gift clients with booze this holiday season. But not just a...
2012 is drawing to a close, and I guess we'll just have to see if the world ends on 12/21/12—you've been wrong before, Mayans. So now seems like a good time to take a step back, reflect on...
Züm XR is unlike any other sports drink on the market. Actually, it’s unlike any other beverage of any kind. Designed for endurance athletes, but ideal for everyday energy-starved workin...
Attention, all my fellow outdoor enthusiasts and, well, outdoor non-enthusiasts, too. I know many of us Boulderites are pretty hardcore when it comes to camping—50-pound pack? Pishaw. Make...
After many months working with a team of stellar copywriters and producers, I am proud to say that I had a role in what should now be nominated for a Most Improved Website of All Time Award...
Just thought I'd give a shout-out (is that term "over" yet?) to all my good friends at Denver hot shop Motive. They recently became the newest member of Project: WorldWide, a stellar collect...