Here’s where I write about what I write about.
Mouths, prepare to crave. Smart people, prepare to chuckle at the adorable copywriting. Now announcing: the Whole Foods exclusives of the month. Click image to enlarge....
Imma go climb this. EBB Copywriting will be closed from February 21–March 8, 2014 as I make my attempt to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro. I shall return with quads of steel (and hopefully a...
The RAD Roller is the most functional massage and release tool ever designed. Ever. Ever, ever, ever. And now it has a scannable, scrollable, stunning new website for the whole wide world on...
Two things: 1) Congratulations to Akavit for winning Sitefinity's 2013 Mobile Website of the Year for 2) Congratulations to Akavit (again) for scoring two sp...
Holiday cards, schmoliday cards. Here at EBB Copywriting, we're all about celebrating the love on Valentine's Day instead. It's been a great year of hard work and hardcore creativity, and I ...
It's Super Bowl Sunday and it just so happens that my hometown Denver Broncos are the team to beat in this year's big game. That means most of you—especially the local yous—are probably ...
SHAMELESS PLUG ALERT Hey everyone. I just found out that the Cornerstone Apartments website I worked on for Akavit is up for a Sitefinity Site of the Year award for 2013. If you're feeling ...
It's not every day that you have a client call you and say, "We pretty much have a clean slate here. Just come up with something cool." It's every creative's dream, and it happened for reals...
Not sure if ya'll remember, but a few months ago I posted about the launch of a Kickstarter campaign for tall-women clothing line Height Goddess. I helped write all the campaign and rewards ...