The Results Are In.

07/08 2011

Goodie, goodie. The campaign that my rabble+rouser team and I created for Metro Crisis Line is sticking in peoples’ minds, and we just received the numbers that really show its impact.

Campaign Story:
Back in January, we were hired by Metro Crisis Services to create and launch their first-ever advertising campaign. We took on the challenge knowing that it would prove to be a tough one. All the usual barriers were at play: a limited budget, an exceptionally large target (everybody), and a highly controversial topic. But on the flipside, the Metro Crisis Line team members are great clients and we knew we had their full support to make this campaign its best.

After weeks of concepting, our creative team found ourselves at a standstill. We had some solid concepts with strong strategic backbones, but they all seemed to fall just a hair short. Crap. We were putting our presentation together for the client when we reached a page that depicted why people might call the Metro Crisis Line. It discussed how people come to the line from any number of states of mind: depression, suicide, delusion, fear, abuse, etc. And then, like a fly getting fried by a bug zapper, the state sign campaign was born.

Our media plan included bus tails, commuter car cards, billboards and radio traffic sponsorship to ensure we could reach as many people as humanly possible. And now we have the numbers to prove that—sigh of relief—we did.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, don’t hesitate to call the Metro Crisis Line at 888.885.1222. It’s free, 24/7, and staffed by licensed clinicians. This is a life-saving service that is making a huge impact on the Denver community, so help spread the word. And remember, no matter what state you’re in, they can help you find your way out.