Healthy Skoop Website Launch.

06/13 2016

Instead of going on and on (and on and on and on) about how much fun I had writing the copy for the updated Skoop website, I’ll just give you a little taste below and send you to the site to see for yourself. #NutritionOnAMission #FeedYourBrain


The new Skoop manifesto:


Let’s all be superheroes for the day. And let’s do it every single day.

Let’s improvise and triumph in the daily decathlon. Let’s be strong, satisfied and ruthlessly resilient. When life tries to get in our way, let’s say, “Nice try, buddy” because we have the people and powders to help us win. Let’s prove that nothing can get the better of our best selves.

Let’s eat real food with real nutrition to help us fly—even on days when other stuff pulls us down. And let’s live the lifestyle that our brains and bodies hope we will. Let’s make good on good intentions and unlearn unwellness—side-by-side, gulp-by-gulp and step-by-step. Let’s put points on the board, fuel in the tank, powder in the shaker cup and smiles on the faces, because when we do good together, we turn the greater good into the greater great. Together, we Skoop.