Have Baby, Will Travel.

10/23 2016

Traveling isn’t always easy. Add a baby or a couple of kids to the equation and it can seem next to impossible.

That’s why my friends Liz and Molly started a little company we like to call Globetot™ (naming by yours truly and design by Alicia Potter of Faven Creative). In an effort to solve the age-old too-full-diaper-bag dilemma, Globetot will soon sell a range of innovative, on-the-go products that make travel—around the world or just around town—a whole lot easier. The brand’s Bee Bottle collapses down to a measly two inches and expands to hold 9oz of snacks or drinks, and the Compact Cover puts stylish, discreet nursing in the palm of your hand, literally.


Check out the Globetot website and sign up for their newsletter to learn when and where you can get the goods. Thanks for having me onboard, ladies. Can’t wait to see where this brand flies to next.