Grow Brands, Grow!

05/02 2018

The last couple of weeks have come with a couple of feel-good updates from a couple of my favorite brands and clients. Wow, that’s a lot of couples. Anyway…

First up: Casa Alvarez Foods
What once was an iconic Boulder restaurant for nearly 20 years is now a frozen food company you’ll want to put your mouth all over. (No joke. I’ve been known to turn the bag inside out and lick it clean, but I digress.) I nearly went into a poblano-induced coma while working on the positioning, packaging, website and marketing materials for Casa Alvarez’s two flavors of green chile with Faven Creative, and I was thrilled to learn that this fledgling brand is now in 48 stores, including 11 Whole Foods and one Safeway. Way to go, Casa. I’m verde proud of you.

And now: Veggie-Go’s
With an exciting name update on the horizon (I can’t wait to share this with you once it hits shelves!) and killer packaging design by SRG, this local snack brand is growing faster than a well-fed toddler. I’ve been on the team for years now—writing everything from the website and packaging to sales sheets and branded coloring books—and I got the good news this month that Veggie-Go’s has grown by 35% since our rebrand. I know, right? Jaw = dropped. Turns out, people like healthy snacks, and boy oh boy is this the brand to do them up right. Congrats, to everyone who’s brought their brilliance to this one. It’s a cool time to be alive and hungry.