Here’s where I write about what I write about.
"Freelance" A friend once told me... 'Freelancers work half the day.' But which 12 hours?...
You know when you learn a new word and then right after you learn it you start hearing it everywhere? Yeah. You do. And apparently I do, too. Because for the last 3 months or so I think I’...
It's a proud day for copywriters everywhere. Or maybe just for me... Yeah. Probably just for me. But either way, I am proud to announce that I am now the founder, owner and only employ...
Big news, ladies and germs. God, did I really just say that? After nearly two years holding the position of associate creative director, copywriter (and informally, internship director) a...
"Austin" Queso at Polvos. Swimming at Hamilton Pool. You done good, Texas....
I don't know what it is, but our clients just loooooooooove bringing branded baked goods to our office. This mountains-of-icing sweet treat was a gift from our friends at Farm Credit. They s...
This one time at summer camp, I remember being a wee, young thing and being terribly afraid of the dark. But as you can probably guess, at J-CC Ranch Camp (nestled comfortably in the black h...
"Word Play" He said, she said, who? Didn't know she knew he knew. Who's on first. What now?...
Back in January 2010, after four incredible years spent at Sterling-Rice Group, it was just my time to move on. And move on, I did—to my current stomping ground, rabble+rouser. But I am th...