Here’s where I write about what I write about.
You wanna know what's weird? The fact that we get things in total different ways than we used to. I mean, in the grand scheme of life, I'm a pretty young buck. Not diapers-young. Just delici...
Man, I gotta write on this thing more. Please forgive me, followers. I'm just a copywriter trying to get an honest business off the ground. I'll try to say "hi" more often. PS I love all ...
"Wednesdays. My favorite day of the week." Warm meal and nice wine. Modern Family. Happy Endings, too. Relax....
So I was listening to the radio yesterday on my morning drive when I heard something that made my skin crawl. A duo of morning DJs were digging into a call-in concept: Who in your life shoul...
"Wet Kitten" I know that sounds wrong. But my cat loves the shower. Wet litter makes clay....
Seeing as it’s almost Halloween and all, I thought it would be the perfect time to talk about one of my most recently acquired fears. It’s bugs. And not the creepy, crawly kind. The VW k...
Check out this save the date wedding video written and directed by yours truly (that's me). I'm pretty damn proud of this. And congrats to the happy couple—crazy-ass lovebirds....
Is it normal for a writer to be speechless? I am so proud and humbled to announce that the childhood immunization campaign I created with the rabble rousers has racked up yet another award. ...
The Good To Go mobile app for the nationally recognized Immunize For Good campaign I created with the team at rabble+rouser was discussed at length on Colorado & Company on September 28....