Here’s where I write about what I write about.
I just found out that a couple of the projects I worked on last year for rabble+rouser have piled a couple more awards onto their resumes. First, the site I wrote for LiveWell Colorado (clic...
After four months of content strategy and copywriting goings-on, my beloved is now live, living large and totally in charge. I did the writing for this site working closely w...
The investor iPad app that I created with Akavit (launched only 3 short days ago) is getting 5 stars across the board in the app store. One user even reviewed, "The information is presented ...
Gold equity, land portfolios, near mine exploration, blahdy-blahdy-blah. Actually, this stuff is anything but blah—it's downright blah-less. These complex topics are among the many I learn...
My old teacher Professor Wagner was kind enough to invite me in as a guest speaker today for his Intro to Advertising class at the University of Denver. Not only am I always thrilled to tell...
The Metro Crisis Line campaign that I created during my time at rabble+rouser launched with its second phase today and I have to say, it's pretty damn rad. If you happen to be driving by the...
Happy new year, everyone. I am absolutely delighted to announce that the new website for the Best Life Diet (written by yours truly under the genius employ of Sterling-Rice Group) is now liv...
It's been a great year. I did a bunch of stuff I never thought I'd do—start my own business, navigate Quickbooks, start planning a trip to Nepal, become quasi-knowledgable on a handful ran...
Just in case you were ever wondering what the marble-floored, golden-throned offices of EBB Copywriting LLC look like, you're in for a treat. Here's a peek at an average Sunday. This is wher...