Here’s where I write about what I write about.
There's nothing more satisfying than a job well done. Well, maybe a grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of tomato soup, but that's a whole different kind of satisfaction. I digress, but the p...
Holy media mentions, Batman! BeforePlay, the website I am humbled to have worked on with Vermilion, is getting a whole lotta press. I'd love to put all the links on here, but I don't want t...
Here's how I see it: One of the biggest perks of a growing business is the opportunity to meet new clients and work on fun new stuff. I was lucky enough to be referred to Epsilon by a former...
"Hardly working" hardly sums it up for the last a half year (plus one month surplus). It's been a long and arduous start, but EBB Copywriting has reached the seven month mark. This is certai...
A former co-worker and now dear friend of mine has recently launched the website for her new business, Given Goods Company. It's a site where all us tree-huggers and, well, world-huggers (is...
I just found out that a couple of the projects I worked on last year for rabble+rouser have piled a couple more awards onto their resumes. First, the site I wrote for LiveWell Colorado (clic...
After four months of content strategy and copywriting goings-on, my beloved is now live, living large and totally in charge. I did the writing for this site working closely w...
The investor iPad app that I created with Akavit (launched only 3 short days ago) is getting 5 stars across the board in the app store. One user even reviewed, "The information is presented ...
Gold equity, land portfolios, near mine exploration, blahdy-blahdy-blah. Actually, this stuff is anything but blah—it's downright blah-less. These complex topics are among the many I learn...