Five Senses Is Just the Start.

03/26 2019

When it comes to our senses, hasn’t the number five had enough time in the spotlight? Sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell get all the attention, but what about the unsung sensorial heroes? From balance and breathlessness to correction and temperature, there are so many other senses we rely on every day.

Our Senses: Creating Your Reality brings them all together—inner and outer tools of detection and perception—into a hands-on (and nose-on, and eyes-on, and feels-on) exhibit for the whole family. The Denver Museum of Nature and Science wants everyone to make sense of their many senses, and you may be surprised at how much influence they have over how you experience the world.

I had all the feels (apparently I’m SUPER sensitive) working on this campaign with my buddies at Urban Canvas. The concept prompts viewers to question what they think they know and expand their “senses” definition outside the usual five.

Our Senses: Creating Your Reality opens in just a couple of weeks on April 12 and runs through August 4, so get it on the calendar and bring the whole family. The sight room reveals a visual explosion of ocular discovery. The balance room engulfs you in walls so wickedly wavy that you won’t know which way is up. The correction room blows your mind with the science behind why it deosn’t mttaer waht oredr the ltteers are in a wrod for you to be albe to raed it. So yeah. You don’t want to miss this one.